

To purchase a signed copy of the book, contact Nick Warlow: nick_warlow@hotmail.com

Nick Warlow and Angela Michel set off by foot from York on March 1st 2012 and arrived in Rome on August 1st.  They walked almost 2000 miles and raised over £12000 for the Humanitarian Crisis Charity Medicins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders) To make a donation or read more about their work visit: https://www.msf.org.uk/

Here Nick and Angela celebrate the milestone of having walked 3000km.

For a bit of extra reading here is their blog spanning from before the walk through Angela’s diagnosis with cancer to Nick’s decision to go on another long walk. 


In June 2012 Jannah and her partner went to join, support and walk with Nick and Angela for a week in the North of Italy!


Nick and Angela sung together in the York based acapella choir Chechelele, of whom Nick is still very much part of. Visit their website to hear more: https://www.chechelele.co.uk/

Nick is currently writing a second book, a novel based on his walk through France.

Watch this space for a release date soon!


Day 3